
  • Constructs a new NavMesh

    Returns NavMesh

  • Creates a wrapper around a raw NavMesh object


    Returns NavMesh



  • Adds a tile to the NavMesh.


    • navMeshData: UnsignedCharArray

      the nav mesh data

    • flags: number

      the flags to use when building the nav mesh

    • lastRef: number

    Returns {
        status: number;
        tileRef: number;

    the status of the operation and the reference of the added tile

    • status: number
    • tileRef: number
  • Decodes a standard polygon reference.


    • polyRef: number

      The polygon reference to decode

    Returns NavMeshDecodePolyIdResult

    the decoded polygon reference

  • Destroys the NavMesh.

    Returns void

  • Derives a standard polygon reference.


    • salt: number

      The tile's salt value.

    • tileIndex: number

      The index of the tile. it in the C++ api.

    • tilePolygonIndex: number

      The index of the polygon within the tile. ip in the C++ api.

    Returns number

    the derived polygon reference

  • Returns a triangle mesh that can be used to visualize the NavMesh.

    Returns [positions: number[], indices: number[]]

  • Returns the maximum number of tiles supported by the navigation mesh.

    Returns number

  • Gets the specified off-mesh connection.


    • ref: number

      The polygon reference of the off-mesh connection.

    Returns DetourOffMeshConnection

  • Gets the endpoints for an off-mesh connection, ordered by "direction of travel".


    • prevRef: number

      The reference of the polygon before the connection.

    • polyRef: number

      The reference of the off-mesh connection polygon.

    Returns {
        end: {
            x: number;
            y: number;
            z: number;
        start: {
            x: number;
            y: number;
            z: number;
        status: number;
        success: boolean;

    • end: {
          x: number;
          y: number;
          z: number;
      • x: number
      • y: number
      • z: number
    • start: {
          x: number;
          y: number;
          z: number;
      • x: number
      • y: number
      • z: number
    • status: number
    • success: boolean
  • Gets the user defined area for the specified polygon.


    • ref: number

      The polygon reference.

    Returns {
        area: number;
        status: number;

    • area: number
    • status: number
  • Gets the user defined flags for the specified polygon.


    • ref: number

      The polygon reference.

    Returns {
        flags: number;
        status: number;

    • flags: number
    • status: number
  • Gets the polygon reference for the tile's base polygon.


    Returns number

  • Gets the tile at the specified index.


    • i: number

      the tile index. [Limit: 0 >= index < #getMaxTiles()]

    Returns DetourMeshTile

  • Gets the tile and polygon for the specified polygon reference.


    • ref: number

      The reference for the a polygon.

    Returns {
        poly: DetourPoly;
        status: number;
        success: boolean;
        tile: DetourMeshTile;

  • Gets the tile and polygon for the specified polygon reference.


    • ref: number

      A known valid reference for a polygon.

    Returns {
        poly: DetourPoly;
        tile: DetourMeshTile;

  • Gets the tile at the specified grid location.


    • x: number

      The tile's x-location. (x, y, layer)

    • y: number

      The tile's y-location. (x, y, layer)

    • layer: number

      The tile's layer. (x, y, layer)

    Returns null | DetourMeshTile

    The tile, or null if the tile does not exist.

  • Gets the tile for the specified tile reference.


    • ref: number

      The tile reference of the tile to retrieve.

    Returns null | DetourMeshTile

    The tile for the specified reference, or null if the reference is invalid.

  • Gets the tile reference for the specified tile.


    Returns number

  • Gets the tile reference for the tile at specified grid location.


    • x: number

      The tile's x-location. (x, y, layer)

    • y: number

      The tile's y-location. (x, y, layer)

    • layer: number

      The tile's layer. (x, y, layer)

    Returns number

    The tile reference of the tile, or 0 if there is none.

  • Gets the size of the buffer required by #storeTileState to store the specified tile's state.


    Returns number

    The size of the buffer required to store the state.

  • Gets all tiles at the specified grid location. (All layers.)


    • x: number

      The tile's x-location. (x, y)

    • y: number

      The tile's y-location. (x, y)

    • maxTiles: number

      The maximum tiles the tiles parameter can hold.

    Returns NavMeshGetTilesAtResult

  • Initializes the NavMesh for use with a single tile.


    Returns boolean

    the status of the operation

  • Initializes the NavMesh for use with multiple tiles.


    Returns boolean

    the status of the operation

  • Checks the validity of a polygon reference.


    • ref: number

    Returns boolean

  • Removes a tile from the NavMesh


    • ref: number

      the tile ref

    Returns NavMeshRemoveTileResult

    the nav mesh data, so it can be added back later

  • Restores the state of the tile.


    • tile: DetourMeshTile

      The tile.

    • data: number[]

      The new state. (Obtained from

    • maxDataSize: number

      The size of the state within the data buffer.

    Returns number



  • Sets the user defined area for the specified polygon.


    • ref: number

      The polygon reference.

    • area: number

    Returns number

  • Sets the user defined flags for the specified polygon.


    • ref: number

      The polygon reference.

    • flags: number

      The new flags for the polygon.

    Returns number

  • Stores the non-structural state of the tile in the specified buffer. (Flags, area ids, etc.)


    • tile: DetourMeshTile

      The tile.

    • maxDataSize: number

      The size of the data buffer. [Limit: >= #getTileStateSize]

    Returns NavMeshStoreTileStateResult